Established in 2016, the SET Plan Action on batteries is implemented by Batteries Europe, which is the technology platform of the European Battery Alliance that benefits from European Commission support since 2019.
Batteries Europe has its roots in the work done within SET Plan action 7: Competitive in global sector and e-mobility, and most of the experts from the working group on batteries are now strongly involved in Batteries Europe, which has also attracted many new industrial, research and national representatives.
In addition, the work on the batteries topic is supported by the coordination and support action BATTERY 2030+, which is focused on long-term, ICT-driven battery research. Batteries Europe and BATTERY2030+ are linked through the emerging technologies strand of Batteries Europe.
Targets and objectives
In 2020, Batteries Europe revised the batteries implementation plan, its targets and R&I activities, as reflected in the updated Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for batteries1 and as supplemented with roadmaps for various segments of the value chain. The newly published Batteries Europe SRA should be seen as the new batteries implementation plan. The updated SRA helps identify gaps in funding and neglected topics which could lead to weaknesses in the value chain and a loss of industrial momentum. Batteries Europe is committed to continuously updating the SRA on the basis of technological developments in the field of batteries.
Closer cooperation, mostly on high TRL battery research, takes place within two multi-billion Important Projects of Common European Interest, where 12 Member States participate. This cooperation is organised through the governing structures of two Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEIs).
Composition of the IWG
The national and regional coordinators group (NRCG) is chaired by France and includes all SET Plan countries except Bulgaria and Iceland, making it the working group with the highest country representation.
Participating countries (in alphabetical order):
Country |
Austria |
Belgium |
Croatia |
Cyprus |
Czechia |
Denmark |
Estonia |
Finland |
France (Chair) |
Germany |
Greece |
Hungary |
Ireland |
Italy |
Latvia |
Lithuania |
Luxembourg |
Malta |
Netherlands |
Poland |
Portugal |
Romania |
Slovakia |
Slovenia |
Spain |
Sweden |
Norway (associated country) |
Turkey (associated country) |
Contact point
Ilka von Dalwigk, InnoEnergy, Secretariat liaison, ilka [dot] vondalwigkinnoenergy [dot] com (ilka[dot]vondalwigk[at]innoenergy[dot]com).
Annabelle Rondaud, French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, NRCG Chair, annabelle [dot] rondaudrecherche [dot] gouv [dot] fr (annabelle[dot]rondaud[at]recherche[dot]gouv[dot]fr).