The dashboards present a quick overview, for each Member State, of two key indicators identified in the Integrated Strategic Energy Technology Plan Communication: the level of investment in R&I in terms of both private (expenditure by businesses and industry) and public (Member States' national programmes and instruments), and trends in patents, for the Integrated SET Plan Actions.
The data is compiled following the JRC in-house methodology for Monitoring R&I in Low-Carbon Energy Technologies and is consistent with the R&I indicators included in the State of the Energy Union Reports.
Should you need updated figures, encounter any lack of functionality or other problems, please JRC-SETIS-ADMINISTRATORec [dot] europa [dot] eu (contact the webmaster).
Data sources:
- Public investment as available in the International Energy Agency RD&D Statistics database, for codes relevant to the Integrated SET Plan Actions. Public investment does not include funds from EU framework programmes or other funding instruments at EU level.
- Patent data based on the European Patent Office PATSTAT database. Data are extracted from PATSTAT using the Y02 scheme of the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) for codes relevant to the Integrated SET Plan Actions. Patent statistics are based on the priority date, simple patent families and fractional counts of submissions made both to national and international authorities. A fraction of the family is allocated to each applicant and relevant technology.
- Private investment as estimated by JRC SETIS.
Relevant publications:
Monitoring R&I in Low-Carbon Energy Technologies
Energy R&I financing and patenting trends in the EU
Assessing private R&D spending in Europe for climate change mitigation technologies via patent data
SQL query to increase data accuracy and completeness in PATSTAT
Patent-Based Indicators: Main Concepts and Data Availability