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SETIS - SET Plan information system
SET Plan progress report 2024 published

What is the SET Plan?

The Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan aims to achieve the EU’s energy and climate goals and make Europe a global leader in clean energy and energy efficiency technologies.

The SET Plan does this by:

  • helping to coordinate national research and innovation (R&I) activities in developing low-carbon energy among SET Plan countries
  • aligning  EU and national R&I priorities with its agenda. 

Public and private investments in energy transition technologies are crucial. The SET Plan steps up cooperation between governments, industry and research institutes to leverage the use of R&I funding schemes for clean energy.

Who is involved in the SET Plan?

The SET Plan is a collaborative effort that involves a wide range of stakeholders committed to driving Europe’s energy transition. They include the following:

  • Governments of the EU Member States and the European Economic Area (EEA) countries. As part of the SET Plan Steering Group, they can shape strategic directions and policies to enhance European energy R&I priorities.
  • Industry, academia, civil society groups and national representatives of European countries, who can engage in joint R&I actions, driving clean energy technology development.

Why join the SET Plan?

By joining the SET Plan, stakeholders can:

  • connect with leading researchers, industry experts and policymakers, fostering collaboration and driving innovation
  • influence the future of Europe’s energy landscape by shaping energy research and policy directions
  • advance clean energy solutions and achieve sustainability targets with the support of the SET Plan.