Synthesis report on the evaluation of national notifications related to Article 14 of the Energy Efficiency Directive - European Commission Skip to main content
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Synthesis report on the evaluation of national notifications related to Article 14 of the Energy Efficiency Directive


Publication date
1 January 2018
Joint Research Centre



EU Member States together with the European Commission and the European Parliament have agreed on several instruments aimed at improving the energy efficiency in society, for example the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Directive.

As one of the measures of these instruments, the Article 14 (Promotion of efficiency in heating and cooling) of the EED requires Member States to perform a Comprehensive Assessment (CA) of their energy efficiency potentials in the heating and cooling sector. The CA is performed through a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) covering their territory. The CBA should facilitate the identification of the most resource- and cost-efficient solutions to meet heating and cooling needs. The deadline to submit the reports was the 31st December 2015. The CAs should be updated every 5 years.

This Synthesis report reviews the technical aspects of the Member States' assessments and compares them. It follows the structure of Annex VIII of EED.

Each chapter contains a sub-section with recommendations how CAs can be improved in the next iteration in 2020. Each chapter also contains useful examples of the approaches Member States employed to perform their assessments. The useful examples should be seen as complements that might be included in the planned update of the Best practise guidelines prepared by JRC. The CAs of the EU Member States can be downloaded from the following page of DG ENER.

Synthesis report on the evaluation of national notifications related to Article 14 of the Energy Efficiency Directive


  • 2 FEBRUARY 2021
Synthesis report on the evaluation of national notifications related to Article 14 of the Energy Efficiency Directive