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Specific report

Addressing flexibility in energy system models


Publication date
1 January 2015
Joint Research Centre


This report summarises the discussions and conclusions of the international workshop on "Addressing flexibility in energy system models" held on December 4 and 5 2014 at the premises of the JRC Institute for Energy and Transport in Petten. Around 40 energy modelling experts and researchers from universities, research centres, the power industry, international organisations, and the European Commission (DGs ENER and JRC) met to present and discuss their views on the modelling of flexibility issues, the linkage of energy system models and sector-detailed energy models, the integration of high shares of variable renewable energy sources, and the representation of flexibility needs in power system models.

The discussions took into account modelling and data-related methodological aspects, with their limitations and uncertainties, as well as possible alternatives to be implemented within energy system models.The conclusions and recommendations resulting from those discussions, together with the contributions from all the participants in the workshop, are summarised in the present JRC Scientific and Policy Report. 

Addressing flexibility in energy system models


28 JANUARY 2021
Addressing flexibility in energy system models