The SET Plan was established in 2007 to support the EU’s energy and climate goals and make Europe a global leader in low-carbon energy and energy efficiency technologies. It is linked to the fifth dimension of the Energy Union – ‘Research, innovation and competitiveness’ – which are translated into the SET Plan’s 10 key actions.
The SET Plan countries are encouraged to link the objectives and research and innovation (R&I) activities in their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) to the SET Plans objectives and activities. The Commission also encourages SET Plan countries to strengthen the collaboration between NECP actors and the SET Plan community.
The SET Plan community includes all entities and actors contributing to the SET Plan. This includes:
- the SET Plan Steering Group
- the Bureau of the SET Plan Steering Group
- the European Commission
- the SET Plan Information System (SETIS)
- Implementation Working Groups
- European Technology and Innovation Platform
- the temporary task forces on cross-cutting topics
- the European Energy Research Alliance
- the Clean Energy Transition Partnership
- the Driving Urban Transition Partnership.
Steering Group
The Steering Group is the decision-making body of the SET Plan, established under the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) and governed by its Rules of Procedure. It is composed of representatives from the EU Member States and the European Commission, with EEA countries participating as observers. The objectives of the Steering Group are to:
- provide guidance and direction to the SET Plan
- facilitate alignment between EU and national research and innovation programmes
- contribute national perspectives and best practices to enrich discussions and support the strategic direction of the SET Plan
- coordinate efforts with the European Commission to promote the development of clean, efficient, and cost-competitive energy technologies, including collaboration with third countries when relevant
- advise and assist the European Commission in launching initiatives related to the Steering Group’s objectives
- support the execution and follow-up of the SET Plan’s priorities and objectives.
Bureau of the SET Plan Steering Group
The Bureau is an informal body of the SET Plan that supports the work of the SET Plan Steering Group on a voluntary basis by preparing internal meetings and discussions. It consists of the countries that have expressed an interest to be part of the Bureau.
SET Plan Information System (SETIS)
SETIS is the open-access information platform for the SET Plan, managed by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre.
SETIS provides up-to-date information on the SET Plan, its IWGs and the European R&I data. It also serves as the central hub for SET Plan documents, including the annual monitoring reports that track the SET Plan’s progress and achievements.
Implementation Working Groups (IWGs)
An IWG is a collaborative body dedicated to advancing the SET Plan’s strategic energy themes. By collaborating with the SET Plan countries and the European Commission, IWGs aim to develop clean, efficient and cost-competitive energy technologies to achieve the EU’s climate and energy goals.
IWGs also address non-technical issues such as:
- social acceptance
- regulation
- financing
- marketing challenges
- cross-cutting topics e.g. circularity, digitalisation and citizen empowerment.
Each IWG focuses on specific technology domains and themes, and sets technology targets to be supported by R&I.
The IWG implementation plans represent the reference document of the SET Plan in each field, supporting Europe to achieve the objects of the European Green Deal, REPowerEU and the Green Deal Industrial Plan to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
The working groups also identify challenges and provide recommendations to overcome them. They promote best practices to drive innovation and investment in clean energy technologies and related processes.
In addition, IWGs contribute to the SET Plan by expanding IWG membership and strengthening ties with other IWGs and relevant organisations, such as the CETPartnership and DUT Partnership, European Technology and Innovation Platforms and the European Energy Research Alliance.
IWG members include representatives from industry, research institutes and non-governmental organisations, as well as national and regional authorities in charge of research, innovation, education, climate action and energy.
European Technology and Innovation Platforms (ETIPs)
ETIPs are open groups of stakeholders led by industry and research organisations, and endorsed by the Commission and the SET Plan Steering Group. Their mission is to develop and deploy clean energy technologies.
ETIPs play a key advisory role within the SET Plan, providing input to the IWGs and contributing to the creation of their implementation plans. They are key players in performing the research and innovation activities outlined in each working group implementation plan.
Each ETIP brings together a diverse range of stakeholders, spanning the entire energy value chain within SET Plan countries. They include:
- industry (e.g. energy generation, energy services, infrastructure operators, etc.)
- research entities
- non-governmental organisations (if relevant)
- sectoral associations
- the ETIPs Forum, where ETIP representatives and affiliated initiatives meet to discuss ETIPs’ activities and common actions.
Task forces
Five temporary task forces have been established to support the work of the IWGs and ETIPs. These task forces will operate between 2024 – 2027 and will focus on the cross-cutting topics of:
- circularity and materials substitution
- R&I for societal needs
- digitalisation
- skills
- access to market.
Each task force will produce tangible results to address the SET Plan’s cross-cutting challenges and provide actionable recommendations. These recommendations will help the SET Plan community integrate these important topics into their work, especially within all IWGs and ETIPs. The task forces regularly report back to the Steering Group.
European Energy Research Alliance (EERA)
The EERA is the research arm of the SET Plan and the largest low-carbon energy research community in Europe. Established in 2008, EERA unites over 250 organisations from 31 countries to enhance pan-European energy research. Its mission is to drive European energy research towards a climate-neutral society by 2050.
EERA also collaborates closely with the ETIPs, IWGs, and the SET Plan task forces.
The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership)
The CETPartnership, co-funded under Horizon Europe, brings together public and private stakeholders from R&I sectors. The partnership involves national and regional funding organisations that coordinate research, development and innovation programmes in SET Plan countries.
The CETPartnership aims to empower the clean energy transition and help the EU achieve its goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
The Driving Urban Transition Partnership (DUT Partnership)
DUT Partnership, driven my Member States and funded by the EU, addresses key urban transition challenges. Its goal is to create an innovation ecosystem that benefits all urban stakeholders.
DUT Partnership is committed to addressing urban sustainability issues and supporting the EU Cities Mission, the European Green Deal, and the Urban Agenda for the EU.
The partnership acts as a catalyst for transformational change by involving stakeholders in:
- strategic planning
- developing and implementing annual calls
- translating project results into practical applications.
By emphasising co-creation and collaboration, DUT Partnership helps cities across Europe become more inclusive, resilient, climate neutral and sustainable.

The path to implementation
The activities of each working group benefit from ongoing collaboration and support from various EU R&I initiatives. These synergies are particularly strong with ETIPs and EERA.
Meanwhile, the Co-funded European Partnerships help Member States to support the SET Plan by boosting funding for transnational research and R&I Framework Programmes. As such, these Partnerships have succeeded the Research Area Networks (ERA-NETs).