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Specific report

Report on saving potentials in energy transmission and distribution


Publication date
1 January 2012
Joint Research Centre


Electricity plays a significant role in the final energy consumption. In EU-27 in 2010 the total energy consumption by end users was 2837 TWh where electricity as a final energy product contributed with 21% in all energy sector (Eurostat, 2012).The electricity generator depending on the primary energy source can be located close to the consumer (in distribution grids) or far away from the main consumer. For example, biomasswaste power plants and photovoltaic (PV) systems usually characterise with small capacity and they are installed locally in distribution grids, where the main part of their generated power is consumed locally. While wind farms, huge hydro and fossil power plants are characterized with bigger capacities and they normally are displaced close to the energy source, e.g. fossil fuel plants close to the main fuel supply ways. Thus the transmission lines are necessary for efficient electricity delivery. 

Report on saving potentials in energy transmission and distribution cover


25 JANUARY 2021
Report on saving potentials in energy transmission and distribution