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SETIS - SET Plan information system
Specific report

Regional performance in the Research, Innovation and Competitiveness Priorities of the Energy Union


Publication date
1 January 2018
Joint Research Centre


The Energy Union is one of the 10 political priorities of the current Commission; and comprises five closely interlinked dimensions, the fifth of which addresses research, innovation and competitiveness (RIC). Trends in patents are among the key performance indicators monitored annually to evaluate the contribution of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) to the objectives of the Energy Union in a quantifiable way, as part of the reporting on the State of the Energy Union.

At regional level, the Commission has called on the relevant authorities to develop smart specialisation strategies for research and innovation, encouraging all European regions to identify their areas of competitive advantage, where research and innovation investment under cohesion policy could be prioritised. This document provides an overview of regional performance in the Research, Innovation and Competitiveness Priorities of the Energy Union through maps.

Regional performance in the Research, Innovation and Competitiveness Priorities of the Energy Union


Regional performance in the Research, Innovation and Competitiveness Priorities of the Energy Union