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SETIS - SET Plan information system
News announcement13 April 20211 min read

New SET Plan action on high voltage direct current (HVDC)

The SET Plan secretariat is establishing a technical working group on high voltage direct current (HVDC). The technical working group will help to:

  • align ongoing research, development and innovation actions and raise interest in HVDC systems and related power electronics at the national and EU level
  • increase collaboration and coordination with SET Plan countries, ensuring their active involvement in the technology development. 

HVDC is a power electronics (PE)- based technology that enables the transport of electricity over long distances and allows the integration of high shares of renewable energy sources (RES) in the actual alternative current (AC) energy system. 

As stated in the offshore renewable energy strategy, the rollout of offshore wind and ocean energy, expected to take place in all EU sea basins, requires the development of energy-transportation infrastructure such as HVDC.  The technical working group’s goal is to support the development and deployment of HVDC and direct current (DC) technologies and systems within the AC grid to make the EU energy systems fit for the future. 

For more information, please contact the SET-PLAN-SECRETARIATatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (subject: New%20action%20on%20HVDC) (SET Plan secretariat)



Publication date
13 April 2021