- Publication date
- 1 January 2016
- Author
- Joint Research Centre
Renewable energy sources for the generation of electricity (RES-E) directly relates to three of the five pillars of the Energy Union: the fully integrated energy market, climate action and emission reduction as well as research and innovation [1]. The deployment of large capacities of wind and solar energy impacts the electricity markets and challenges existing market designs, both at the wholesale and the retail level. At the same time it poses technical challenges resulting from the need to ensure a smooth operation of the European power system. Methodologies for assessing the adequacy need to be adapted in the presence of more RES-E [2]. Finally, investments are taking place into new technological solutions, helping to integrate RES-E as e.g. energy storage.
Power system models are the tool of choice for assessing options along the three policy dimensions (market design, RES-E integration, research and innovation). High quality wind power and PV time series for long time periods are needed in order to produce model results that translate into robust policy advice. Moreover, data should be publically available if impact assessments are to be transparent and reproducible. However, no such dataset currently exists for Europe. The EMHIRES dataset addresses this need and provides a publically available time series for the generation of intermittent RES-E derived from meteorological data.
EMHIRES applies an innovative methodology capturing local geographical information to generate meteorologically derived wind power time series at high temporal and spatial resolution. This allows for a better understanding of the wind resource at the precise location of wind farms. EMHIRES is able to capture the variability of wind energy, in particular peaks and ramps, in a much more accurate way than previous meteorologically derived time series. Using EMHIRES for power system analysis will increase the accuracy of generation adequacy assessments, renewable energy integration studies and market studies for flexibility technologies such as storage.
This report details the first part of EMHIRES, covering wind energy production. Further publications are planned on PV energy and temperature corrected power demand. The datasets can be reviewed and readapted to new situations in the power system (e.g. the commissioning of new installations) as well as to future RES-E deployment scenarios.
The first version of EMHIRES dataset releases four different files about the wind power generation hourly time series during 30 years (1986-2015), taking into account the existing wind fleet at the end of 2015, for each country (onshore and offshore), bidding zone and by NUTS 1 and NUTS 2 region. The time series are given as capacity factors. The installed capacity used accounted for calculating the capacity factors are summarised in the annexes of the report.
Download the EMHIRES data files here.
The terms and conditions for the reuse of the EMHIRES data can be found here.