- Publication date
- 1 January 2015
- Author
- Joint Research Centre
This report presents the vision of the EERA Joint Programme Nuclear with respect to:
- the need of future nuclear energy as part of a resilient Energy Union with a forward-looking climate change policy;
- the key role of materials for the development of future sustainable reactor systems;• the Grand Challenges for nuclear materials that need to be addressed;
- the establishment of an integrated European nuclear materials research programme.
This report serves as a reference document for the Roadmap and more detailed Descriptions of Work of the EERA JPNM over the coming five-year period. It is aimed primarily at our stakeholders, such as members of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) Working Groups, nuclear and non-nuclear technology platforms representing both industry and research organizations, as well as managers and decision-makers, especially Member States representatives.
EERA JPNM Vision Report